Allison Heck has lived in the Hollin Hills neighborhood with her family since 2016. Her grandparents, Maurice "Doc" and Mary Davis, were original owners in the neighborhood with Mary active in the civic association and Doc helping with any construction jobs in the parks or with neighbors on the weekends. Allison is committed to equitable community development as evidenced by her doctorate in Planning, Governance, and Globalization from Virginia Tech and her master's degrees in Urban and Regional Planning & Anthropology from the University of Florida where she focused her research on issues of gentrification, community development, and cultural heritage in minority communities. She has continued this commitment in her service to the Federal Emergency Management Agency since 2013 serving in response to multiple disasters and supporting efforts to mitigate communities from future disasters. She has lived through the renovation of her home between in 2022 to 2023, has worked to consider how to apply the concepts of her Dan Kiley gardening plan, and enjoys the social connections and rich sense of community in Hollin Hills.